Who’s Selling These Ojai Domains?
Hi! I’m Tyler, a former long-time Ojai resident. I was the founder of community blog The Ojai Post (2006-2015), a founding Board Member of the Ojai Valley Green Coalition (2006-present), wrote two grants for the Ojai Valley Museum that resulted in OjaiHistory.com (2011-present), and created OjaiGarden.com (2006-2014) in collaboration with the Ojai Community Demonstration Garden. I remain an active member of the Ojai Valley Chamber of Commerce and a donor to multiple Ojai charities.
My wife AliSun and I lived at Meditation Mount from 2014 to 2017, losing our home there to the Thomas Fire (and then eleven months later in Malibu in the Woolsey Fire!). Since 2018, we’ve lived in Sonoma County near family (in the second wettest town in California, incidentally).
What’s Being Offered?
In the early 2000’s, I built a unique portfolio of Ojai domains and have renewed them annually for two decades. These domains are being offered for purchase for the first time in 2024. My hope is to find buyers who are members of and vested in the Ojai community.
Why You Should Care
Unique .com “geo domains” have increased in value over the years. Other TLDs (top level domains such as .net, .us, .biz) have nowhere near the traction, value nor immediate trust that a .com domain has. Purchasing an easy-to-remember, easy-to-communicate Ojai .com domain can immediately add value to your brand, or accelerate building a brand from scratch. Some domains below show a DA (Domain Authority) score, where a new website could immediately gain traction in organic search.
How It Works
The transaction fees and domain escrow at Escrow.com are included in the prices. There are no additional or hidden charges. Please contact me if you’re interested. My email is tyler@nullojai.cc.
The Domains
The Travel Bundle
Build your online Ojai empire with this exquisite A-list collection of T&E domains. Your wheels are already turning, right? If not you, who? The Travel Bundle includes full ownership of the following domains for $59,000.
ojaigetaway.com ojaihotel.com ojaiweddings.com ojaibride.com ojaitrip.com | ojaivacation.com ojaigolf.com ojairestaurant.com ojairestaurants.com (DA:25) ojaitourism.com |
The Media Bundle
The visionary publisher will see the vast potential of this comprehensive collection of print and online media Ojai .com domains. The Media Bundle includes full ownership of the following domains for $19,000.
ojainews.com ojainewspaper.com ojaivalleynewspaper.com ojaidaily.com ojaitoday.com |
ojaiweather.com ojaitv.com ojairadio.com ojaivideo.com ojaiblog.com ojaipost.com (DA:28) |
The Events Bundle
Become the hub of events in Ojai, capitalizing on thousands of searches for the many festivals, yoga classes and retreats that occur throughout the year. The Events Bundle includes full ownership of the following domains for just $4,800.
ojaievents.com ojaiboxoffice.com ojaitickets.com |
The Business Bundle
Do you have a vision for the future of doing business in Ojai? Can you help Ojai businesses market themselves online? Check out these shovel-ready domains just waiting for your biz dev. The Business Bundle includes full ownership of the following domains for just $8,000.
ojainetwork.com (DA:14) ojaijobs.com (DA:6) ojaibusiness.com ojaibusinessdirectory.com |
The Healers Bundle
Are you a member of the Ojai healing community? Have you searched for the right domain to market your services to locals and visitors alike? This group of domains is being offered at an affordable entry point. The Healers Bundle includes full ownership of the following domains for just $4,800.
ojaihealing.com (DA:6) ojaihealers.com (DA:11) ojaihealer.com |
Domain à la carte
The following domains are individually priced. Take yours home today!
oj.ai ojai.cc ojaiarchitects.com ojailoans.com ojaiartists.com meinersoaks.com ojaivalley.org ojaipizza.com ojaichurches.com ojaischools.com ojaibookstore.com ojaigarden.com (DA:16) ojaicurrency.com ojaimoney.com ojaieconomy.com ojaiwiki.com |
$24,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $500 $500 $500 |
Community Domains
The following domains will be donated to community partners at the conclusion of the sale. Your domain purchases above help support the donation of these domains.
ojaihospital.com ojaipolice.com ojaihelp.com ojaifamily.com |
Please contact me if you’re interested in any of the above domains. I’ll ensure the process is friendly and professional, and soon enough you’ll be ready to start building! My email is tyler@nullojai.cc.